Buffalo loves trick-or-treating. Don't believe me? Then believe Zillow.

The website ranked the top 20 cities for trick-or-treating using a trick-or-treat index, and Buffalo finished 17th, tops in New York. The numbers suggest more candy for kids with the least amount of walking and safety concerns. That’s a pretty sweet list to be on, especially if you're a kid.

Even more exciting, Zillow will reveal the top five neighborhoods within Buffalo to trick-or-treat in tomorrow (October 18). So check back for an update if you really want to score.

The Zillow index partially debunks the notion that wealthy neighborhoods yield the best candy (trickle-down Halloween-omics). Cities were ranked based on equally weighted data variables that include Zillow Home Value Index, local crime data, population density and walk score to produce a better trick-or-treat strategy to unleash the Holy Grail of Halloween goodness.

This is the fourth year that Zillow has compiled the list but the first time a city in New York has made the list. San Francisco was the top city, followed by Boston, Honolulu, Seattle, San Jose, Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.

That also means Western New Yorkers are spending some cash on Halloween this year, with an average of $80 being spent on costumes, candy and decorations and about $8 billion being generated nationally. So there you go. Let’s just celebrate Halloween four times a year, and, BOOM -- economy fixed. You're welcome.

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