barack obama

Letters Containing Ricin Sent to President, Two Senators [UPDATED]
Letters Containing Ricin Sent to President, Two Senators [UPDATED]
Letters Containing Ricin Sent to President, Two Senators [UPDATED]
1:10 p.m. (EST): A third letter, this one sent to Senator Joe Manchin (D.-W.V.), has been found to contain ricin. 12:45 p.m. (EST): FBI spokesman Paul Bresson has confirmed that the substance found in the letter to the president was ricin. The Secret Service says that a letter containing a suspicious substance and addressed to President Obama was received on Tuesday at a White House mail facility.
Top 10 Fascinating People of 2012 Tonight!
Top 10 Fascinating People of 2012 Tonight!
Top 10 Fascinating People of 2012 Tonight!
The Top 10 Fascinating People of 2012 is on tonight. I'm a huge fan of this special as Barbara Walters nails it every year. Not to mention, she is relentless with some of the questions she asks people, especially when they're in the media for a having a not-so-positive-year. Here's a sneak peek of what we can expect from tonight but, who will be #1?
First Dog Bo Obama Makes a Great Christmas Tree Inspector
First Dog Bo Obama Makes a Great Christmas Tree Inspector
First Dog Bo Obama Makes a Great Christmas Tree Inspector
You can love the president or hate him, but you've got to admit this is one cute First Dog. Here's Bo Obama being a very good dog and not knocking over any of the one zillion Christmas trees in the White House as he "inspects" the decorations before it opens to the public and 90,000 people stroll through...
2012 Election Day: Obama Wins Second Term
2012 Election Day: Obama Wins Second Term
2012 Election Day: Obama Wins Second Term
UPDATE 11:20: The networks have announced that Barack Obama will be reelected to a second term, after wrapping up the state of Ohio. The 2012 presidential election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will finally conclude tonight, as voters head to their local polls to choose who gets to sleep in the White House on January 20, 2013. We'll be following all the results very closely, adding the late
Furry Feline Forcasts Our Next President!
Furry Feline Forcasts Our Next President!
Furry Feline Forcasts Our Next President!
The cat's eye knows who will be our next president.  If you say it's nuts, you're right.  His name is Mr. Nuts, and he's a cat who hails from Fremont, Calif.  His owner says he chooses the loser by doing his duty in a corresponding candidate's litter box.

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