
Greatest Food In History
Greatest Food In History
Greatest Food In History
If I asked you to name the greatest food in the history of mankind, I'm willing to bet -- even if I gave you 50,000 chances -- you'd NEVER get it right (unless the giant picture above gives it away).
Bread Cheese?
Bread Cheese?
Bread Cheese?
For someone like me living the Atkins lifestyle, this is a dream come true.
Are You ready For The McNuggetini
Are You ready For The McNuggetini
Are You ready For The McNuggetini
Would you serve these to guests over the holiday's? This story comes courtesy of  The stuff of legends, the McNuggetini is making the rounds once again. This fateful combination of vanilla vodka and chocolate milkshake with a barbecue sauce and McNugget garnish was born of a compulsive need for McDonald's nuggets plus the insatiable thirst for the perfect cocktail-as-meal.