national spelling bee

Misspelling Across America
Misspelling Across America
Misspelling Across America
Unfortunately it is not surprising that the United States is not full of the best spellers.  In our defense, everything gets spelled for us these days.  Spell check does the work us so what's the point?  Basic intelligence comes to mind but that doesn't seem to be enough of a motivator.   In ho...
Youngest Spelling Champ [AUDIO]
Youngest Spelling Champ [AUDIO]
Youngest Spelling Champ [AUDIO]
A 5-year-old won a regional spelling bee over the weekend.  5. Year. Old.  She is now the youngest ever to compete in the National Spelling Bee.  She beat out 50 kids, all older than her.  Is she a natural or have I failed as a father??   Edith Ful...