
Common Anti-Inflammatory Drugs May Increase Miscarriage Risk
Common Anti-Inflammatory Drugs May Increase Miscarriage Risk
Common Anti-Inflammatory Drugs May Increase Miscarriage Risk
Beyonce, and other women in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, should be careful when using ibuprofen, naproxen, and other non-aspirin NSAID drugs, according to a Canadian study. Non -Steriodal Anti - Inflamatory Drugs, or NSAIDs, can more than double the risk of miscarriages, according to the new research.
Mom’s Sleeping Position Impacts Stillbirth Rates
Mom’s Sleeping Position Impacts Stillbirth Rates
Mom’s Sleeping Position Impacts Stillbirth Rates
I remember how uncomfortable I was at the end of both of my pregnancies.  Finding a good sleep position seemed impossible.  I never imagined that whether I slept on my back or side would make a difference, but now there's a new study that says your sleep position can  impact your chance of having a stillborn.