
Fast Food Day: Yes Please!
Fast Food Day: Yes Please!
Fast Food Day: Yes Please!
Wednesday was National Fast Food Day and Val & Tony P celebrated in style.  We put together a buffet of some of the fastest in WNY and realized after it was not a good idea. We had food from Wendy's, Burger King, and Mighty Taco.  That d...
Tweet Battle
Tweet Battle
Tweet Battle
The other night my son and I enjoyed the 4 for $4 at the Wendy's on Delaware Avenue in Buffalo and I thought, this is a good deal. Then I saw this twitter battle between Burger King and Wendy's and figured, what's the beef all about? It appears that social media can be a brutal place, even for fast food restaurants.
Delicious Food Monsters
Delicious Food Monsters
Delicious Food Monsters
It's summertime, and we're all pretty much trying to watch our calories, right?  WELL THEY'RE MAKING IT PRETTY DARN HARD TO STAY ON TRACK!